The sinking of the rig Deepwater Horizon "in the Gulf of Mexico and the resulting environmental disaster involved the insurance industry. Holes are at sea so far covered more than the normal insurance companies, the damage covers up to about 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, will in future policies specifically for such projects to be completed or must. That it is not done with a single-digit billions, if that is the real thing, has now been sadly. BP must be solely responsible for the compensation funds 20 billion U.S. dollars to raise, in addition to about eight billion U.S. dollars were already invested in dealing with the oil-Pest.
The world's largest reinsurer, Munich Re is therefore planning to insurance solutions that move in a frame 10:00 to 8:00 p.m. billion U.S. dollars and are met by several insurers. Presented the idea in the industry meeting in Monte Carlo. The oil companies and drilling companies could protect themselves with such a policy for each hole. It hopes the insurance industry on a little pressure from government side, particularly the United States. Munich-Re board member Thorsten Jeworrek said: "We expect the oil companies to commit themselves either to the conclusion of such insurance or even better that the state requires it." Safe and conversation were the new liability rules already.
To potential it would be no lack of insurance for the damage caused by oil drilling leading to insurance claims from the companies. The need for the "black gold" is great. This leads alone in the Gulf of Mexico each year
to 300 new oil wells, which - unless liability insurance should be mandated, all individually protected. The cost of developing new sources of oil rose by estimates of the Munich Re's board of around ten percent. This is very little compared to the threatening loss payments. The insurance companies themselves would have to apply to contracts in these dimensions to look for cooperation partners in order to cover the risks. The Munich Re would pay in their own words for two billion euros per hole. The remaining sum must be other insurers and reinsurers to cover.